EN 怀念旧版






毕业于香港中文大学工程学院电子计算机系,拥有 (二级荣誉)“理学士”学位。硕士和博士毕业于英国伦敦大学的金斯密斯学院(Goldsmiths College)(跨国传播和全球媒体硕士)和威斯敏斯特大学(University of Westminster) (哲学博士)。在加入北京师范大学之前,曾在西交利物浦大学,香港浸会大学媒体与传播系, 和牛津大学及诺丁汉大学法学院工作。 钱博士研究方向为互联网治理,媒体和传播政策,规制和法律。


结合其电子计算机,传播学, 和法学的研究背景,一直致力于从交叉学科的角度来研究媒体和传播相关的政策和治理问题。结合了多学科理论来解释社会基础如何促进媒体和传播系统,媒体和传播政策,规制和治理的变化。目前的研究重点是中国的互联网治理和社交媒体伦理。 主要的交叉学科研究论文发表于传播学、法律和政治学期刊上,最近的研究成果包括2020年出版的书籍章节《中国互联网治理》(被瑞士苏黎世大学Herbert Burkert教授评为“ 近期与技术法有关的最好的学术作品之一”https://cyber.jotwell.com/power-lest-it-should-be-forgotten/) 和2016年Routledge出版的专著《中国电视规则和媒体政策》








2020年至今 北京师范大学新闻与传播学院 副教授 

2017-2020 西交利物浦大学 传媒与传播学院 助理教授

2012-2017 香港浸会大学传播学院新闻学系 研究助理教授 

2010-2012 诺丁汉大学法学院  诺丁汉高级研究员

2007年-2010年 牛津大学法学院  媒体法律与政策研究员

2005年-2007年 威斯敏斯特大学传播与媒体研究所 研究员


1) Internet Governance (互联网治理); 2) Media and Communication Policy (媒体与传播政策);3) Regulation and Law(规则与法律);4) Globalisation (全球化)



钱忆亲 (2020) 2020年下半年网络空间“主权问题“争议、演变与未来,中国信息安全,

Minna Aslama Horowitz, Alessandro D'arma and Yik Chan Chin (2020) Advocating for public service media: Scholarship and praxis, Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture Volume 11 Number 2: 129–133

Chin, Yik Chan (2018) Legitimation of Media Regulation in China, Chinese Political Science Review, 3(2), 172-194.

钱忆亲&陈昌凤(2017)互联网治理:一种综合路径的探索. 全球传媒学刊,第4卷,第2期, 4-31页.

Chin, Yik Chan (2015) 'Constitutional rights and truth and fair comment defences in Chinese right to reputation lawsuits', Media and Arts Law Review, vol. 20, no. , p. 422-45

Chin, Yik Chan (2014) 'Privilege and Public Opinion Supervision Defenses in China's Right to Reputation Litigation', Media and Arts Law Review, vol. 19, no. , p. 276-299

Chin, Yik Chan (2013) 'Regulating social media, regulating life (and lives)', Rhodes Journalism Review

Chin, Yik Chan (2012) 'Public Service Broadcasting, Public Interest and Individual Rights in China', Media, Culture and Society, vol. 34, no. 7, p. 898-912

Chin, Yik Chan (2011) 'Policy Process, Policy Learning, and the Role of Provincial Media in China', Media, Culture and Society, vol. 33, no. 2, p. 193-210

Chin, Yik Chan (2003) 'The Nation-state in A Globalizing Media Environment: China's regulatory policies on transborder TV drama flow', Javnost, vol. 10, no. 4, p. 75-94



Chin, Yik Chan (2016) Television Regulation and Media Policy in China, Routledge



Chin, Yik Chan (2020) ‘Internet governance in China: the network governance approach’ In Dragan Pavlićević and Zhengxu Wang (eds.) Social Relations and Political Development in China: Change and Continuity in the ‘New Era’, London: Routledge: page 134-153.

Chin, Yik Chan (2014), 'Policy Process, Policy Learning, and the Role of Provincial Media in China' In Michael Keane and Wanning Sun (eds.) Chinese Media, Routledge.

Chin, Yik Chan (2012) 'Public Service: New Paradigms of Policy, and Reform in China' in Gregory Ferrell Lowe and Jeanette Steemers (eds) Regaining the Initiative for Public Service Media: RIPE@2011 Reader, NORDICOM, pp. 149-166

Chin, Yik Chan (2007) 'From the local to the global: China's TV policy in Transition' in (eds) Internationalization of the Chinese TV Sector, Lit Verlag, pp. 221-240



Chin, Yik Chan and Chen, Changfeng (2017) Internet Governance: Exploration of Power Relationship. Proceeding of the Global Internet Governance Academic Network Annual Symposium, December 2017. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3107239.



Principal Investigator, 2009-2011, British Academy Research Grants on “Chinese Broadcasting Policymaking in Transition (2009-2010): Actors, Structure and Process” 

European Commission, 2010-2012,Project Grants on “Protecting the media through the law” (a collaborative project between the Greater China Centre and the Programme of Comparative Media Law and Policy in Oxford) 

Principal Investigator, 2010-2012, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Research Grants on “Researching Law in Society in China: The interplay between the law and media in defamation litigation (1992-2009)” 

Principal Investigator,2015-2017, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, General Research Fund (GRF),“Social Media in China: the network governance perspective” 

Principal Investigator,2016-2017, Hong Kong Baptist University, Faculty Research Grants (FRG), “Social Media in the People’s Republic China: the policy and regulatory perspective” 

Principal Investigator, 2018 - 2021, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Research Development Fund (RDF), “Big Data Ethics in China’s Social Media Sector” 

课题组成员, 2018教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目, 全球互联网治理规则中的中美冲突及对策研究

课题组成员,2018年国家社会科学基金重大项目, 智能时代的信息价值观引领研究 (项目批准号: