北京师范大学新闻传播学院教授,博士生导师,国际中华传播学会(CCA, Chinese Communication Association)指导委员会成员及大陆负责人,中美富布莱特访问学者。
(2)徐敬宏,袁宇航,侯彤童:《从“十三五”到“十四五”:我国传媒政策的回顾与展望》,《郑州大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)2021年第1期,第116-122页, CSSCI
(3)徐敬宏,张如坤:《“介入性”与“客观性”共生:建设性新闻生产实践体系研究——兼与常江教授商榷》,《中国出版》2021年第2期,第20-26页 CSSCI
(4)徐敬宏,侯彤童:《从现代传媒体系到全媒体传播体系:“十三五”时期的媒体深度融合之路》,《编辑之友》2021年第1期,第28-34页 CSSCI
(5)徐敬宏,张如坤:《迈向开放科学的传播学:机遇、挑战与未来》,《编辑之友》2020年第12期,第76-84页 CSSCI
(6)徐敬宏,侯伟鹏:《“隐私担忧”的中介效应:基于对大学生微信使用的结构方程模型分析》,《传播与社会学刊》2020年第4期,第59-94页 TSSCI
(7)徐敬宏,侯伟鹏,胡世明:《英文学术界百年隐私研究的历史变迁与前沿热点——基于Web of Science数据库的CiteSpace分析》,《治理研究》2020年第5期,第109-122页 CSSCI扩展
(8)徐敬宏,侯童彤,张世文:《县级融媒体中心助力脱贫攻坚的四条路径》,《中国编辑》2020年第8期,第32-36页 CSSCI扩展
(10)徐敬宏,张如坤,张世文:《建设性新闻的冷思考:中西语境、理论风险与实践误区》,《新闻大学》2020年第6期,第12-22页+122页, CSSCI
(12)徐敬宏,侯彤童:《2019年传媒政策的三大重点:县级融媒体中心、新型主流媒体与网络治理》,《编辑之友》2020年第2期,第37-42页, CSSCI
(13)侯伟鹏,徐敬宏(通讯作者),胡世明:《中国互联网治理研究25年:学术场域与研究脉络》,《郑州大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)2020年第1期,第35-42页, CSSCI
(14)徐敬宏,郭婧玉,游鑫洋:《2014-2018年中国网络空间治理的政策走向与内在逻辑》,《郑州大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)2019年第5期,第94-98页, CSSCI
(18)Xu Jinghong, You Xinyang, Hu Shiming & Chen Wenbing. Grounded theory in journalism and communication studies in the Chinese mainland (2004–2017): Status quo and problems. Global Media and China, 2019, 4(1): 138-152. ESCI
(21)Jinghong Xu, Zhitao Du, Jianchao Guo, Xiangling Fu, Yuqiang Zhang, Ye Wu. Empirical and modeling studies of WeChat information dissemination. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 512 (2018) 1113–1120. SCI
(23)徐敬宏,胡世明,陈文兵:《人工智能时代新闻业界面临的机遇与挑战》,《郑州大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)2018年第5期,第94-98页, CSSCI
(24)徐敬宏,侯伟鹏,程雪梅,王雪:《微信使用中的隐私关注、认知、担忧与保护:基于全国六所高校大学生的实证研究》,《国际新闻界》2018年第5期,第160-176页, CSSCI
(25)徐敬宏,程雪梅,胡世明:《知识付费发展现状、问题与趋势》,《编辑之友》2018年第5期,第13-16页, CSSCI (《新华文摘》2018年第15期,第152-155页)
(28)徐敬宏,侯伟鹏,程雪梅,胡世明:《出版史视野下敦煌壁画的载体流变研究》,《现代传播》2017年第10期,第25-28页 CSSCI
(29)徐敬宏,赵珈艺,程雪梅,雷杰淇:《七家网站隐私声明的文本分析与比较研究》,《国际新闻界》2017年第7期,第129-148页 CSSCI
(31)李旖旎,徐敬宏:《汉语网络词语中的日源词认知度调查分析》,《北京邮电大学学报》(社会科学版)2016年第4期,第101-107页 CSSCI扩展
(32)Jinghong Xu, Lin Zhang, Baojun Ma, Ye Wu. Impacts of suppressing guide on information spreading. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 444 (2016) 922–927. SCI
(33)徐敬宏,吴敏:《论搜索引擎竞价排名的广告属性及其法律规制》,《学习与实践》,2015年第8期,第70-75页, CSSCI
(35)徐敬宏,李义菲:《社交网络时代的“扫黄打非”:现状、问题与对策》,《北京邮电大学学报》(社会科学版)2015年第3期,第9-13页, CSSCI扩展
(36)侯瑞芳,李玲,徐敬宏:《微服务背景下的读者个人信息保护研究》,《情报理论与实践》,第38卷,2015年第1期,第71-75页, CSSCI
(37)徐敬宏,张为杰,李玲:《西方新闻传播学关于社交网络中隐私侵权问题的研究现状》,《国际新闻界》2014年第10期,第146-158页, CSSCI (《新华文摘》2015年第4期,第154-157页;人大复印资料《新闻与传播》2015年第3期,第51-57页。)
(44)徐敬宏,宫哲,李慧慧:《非常规突发事件中网络舆情的作用分析——以“邓玉娇案”为例》,《学习与实践》2010年第7期,第78-82页, CSSCI
(1) Suhong Song, Yueqi Wang, Yuxin Deng & Jinghong Xu(corresponding author). “The Stigma of Feminism in China: Text Analysis of Discussions of Pastoral Feminism on Zhihu”, paper presented on 14th July 2021, International Association for Media and Communication Research / Conference 2021, at the United States International University-Africa, Nairobi, Kenya.
(2) Jiankun Gong, Hasmah Zanuddin, Weipeng Hou & Jinghong Xu (corresponding author). “Media Attention, Dependency, Self-efficacy, and Prosocial Behaviours during the Outbreak of COVID-19 A Constructive Journalism Perspective”, paper presented on 27th May 2021 at the International Communication Association’s 71st Annual Conference, virtual.
(3) Jinghong Xu, Weipeng Hou, Shiming Hu & Yuhang Yuan. “Academic Logic and Paradigm Change in China's Internet Governance Studies: Literature Review Based on the CNKI Database”, paper presented on 27th May 2021 at the International Communication Association’s 71st Annual Conference, virtual.
(4) Jinghong Xu, Jingyu Guo, Xinyang You & Shiming Hu. “Understanding China’s 5G Policies and Laws: from A Historical Perspective and with Latent Dirichlet Allocation Method”, paper presented on Nov. 8th, 2019 at The 2019 APCA Annual Conference in conjunction with The 2019 ANPOR Annual Conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
(5) Jinghong Xu, Weipeng Hou & Wenbing Chen. “Self-efficacy, Risk Perceived, Trust, Privacy Worry and Privacy Protection in College Students' Use of WeChat: An Empirical Analysis Based on Structural Equation Model”, paper presented on May 29th, 2019 at the International Communication Association’s 69th Annual Conference in Washington, District of Columbia, USA.
(6) Jinghong Xu, Zhitao Du & Ye Wu. “Empirical and modeling studies of WeChat information dissemination”, paper presented on May 28th, 2018 at the International Communication Association’s 68th Annual Conference in Prague, Czech Republic.
(7) Jinghong Xu, Weipeng Hou & Shiming Hu. “Grounded Theory in the Field of Communication Studies in Mainland China (1960-2017): the Status Quo and Problems”, paper presented on May 18th, 2018 at the Fourteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the Illini Union, USA.
(8) "How to Engage the Existing CCA Members and Recruit New Members", Keynote speech on Nov. 12th, 2016 at the business meeting of CCA Steering Committee, during the 102nd NCA annual conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
(9) “Internet Privacy Protection in China”, Keynote speech on Jul. 6th, 2016 at the 3rd Europe-China Dialogue: Media and Communication Studies Summer School 2016, in Lugano, Switzerland.
(10) “Comprehensive Protection of Internet Privacy in China”, Keynote speech on May 11th, 2016 at Asia Privacy Bridge Forum, in Seoul, South Korea.
(11) “Journalism in the Era of Virtual Reality”, Keynote speech at the symposium themed on "US-China Forum on Applied Communication Research: The Kentucky Conversations" on Apr. 14th, 2016 at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
(12) “The Background and Whole Process of Writing and Publishing the Paper Western/English Studies on the Infringement of the Right to Internet Privacy in the Context of SNSs”, lecture at "Global Challenge Junior Professional" seminar on Dec. 2nd 2015 at Yonsei University, in Seoul, South Korea.
(13) “Western/English Studies on the Infringement of the Right to Internet Privacy in the Context of SNSs”, Keynote speech at the "Privacy, Now and Future" Forum on Dec. 1st 2015, in Seoul, South Korea.
(14) Sijia Yang, Jinghong Xu, Jiayin Qi. “Will Chinese Government’s Online Censorship Boomerang? The Effects of Perceived Censorship Attempt Initiated by Different Sources on Rumor Processing, Spreading and Evaluation of Government among Chinese Netizens”. Paper presented on July 6th, 2014 at the 2014 Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP). Rome, Italy.
(15) “Conceptualization of Privacy in Chinese Legal Context and Current Legal Framework for the Protection of Online Privacy”, Paper presented on May 24th, 2014 at the International Communication Association's 64th Annual Conference, in Seattle, Washington, USA.
(16) “Research on Internet Privacy Protection in China”, lecture on Apr. 18th, 2014, at Yonsei University, in Seoul, South Korea.
(17)“Evolving Legal Frameworks for Protecting the Right to Internet Privacy in China”, Keynote speech at the“Privacy Global Edge 2014” Forum on Apr. 17th 2014, in Seoul, South Korea.
(18) Sijia Yang, Jinghong Xu, Jiayin Qi. “A Model Based on Normative Theories: How Internet Use and Skills in the Long Run Impact the Watchdog Role of the Web and Political Cynicism of Chinese Netizens”. ICA pre-conference, June 14th, 2013.Oxford
(19) Jinghong Xu, Jingwen Zhang, Jiayin Qi. “Modeling Political Message’s Virality based on Tweets of the 18th National Congress of China”, Paper presented at on May 16th, 2013 at the 66th Annual Conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR). Boston, USA.
(20) “Right to Internet Privacy in China—Historical and Cultural Background, Present Legal Framework and Future Improvements”, Lecture on Apr. 17th, 2013 at University of Pennsylvania, USA.
(21) “Evolving Legal Frameworks for Protecting Internet Privacy in China” Lecture on Feb. 12th, 2013 at University of California at San Diego, USA.
Jinghong Xu. “Evolving Legal Frameworks for Protecting the Right to Internet Privacy in China” in Lindsay J R, Tai Ming Cheung, Derek S. Reveron. (ed.) China and Cybersecurity - Espionage, Strategy, and Politics in the Digital Domain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. 4月